We are now offering an innovative laparoscopic procedure that implants a ring of magnetic beads to help prevent acid reflux in patients who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Using a small, flexible band of titanium beads with magnetic cores, surgeons implant the band around the patient’s esophagus. The beads strengthens the weakened esophageal sphincter’s barrier function. The band allows food and liquid to pass normally to the stomach but immediately closes after swallowing to restore the magnetic barrier reflux. Patients are able to resume a normal diet within a week.
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas is the only hospital offering a comprehensive GERD center including pre op evaluation and surgery with LINX. Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas is the only hospital where LINX is offered in this area including Lake Charles.
Find more information about LINX and Dr. Alex Ordonez in the link below!