Hurricane Preparedness
Partners in Caring
As hurricane season approaches, please take adequate time to thoroughly review the Severe Weather Plan located on the hospital B-Line. During a hurricane, Baptist Beaumont Hospital is a critical part of the city’s infrastructure. It is important for all employees to understand that the hospital has made preparations to remain operational during a category 1-3 hurricane. In the event that we have patients during an anticipated category 4-5 storm or government ordered evacuation, employees critical to providing care for these patients, along with facility staff, will be required to stay at the hospital until the severe weather event has subsided.
As part of the hurricane preparedness process, employees are assigned to either Team A, B, or C by their supervisor and it is essential that every employee understands the responsibilities of the team to which they are assigned. In the event of a government ordered evacuation due to a severe weather event, employees critical to serving the public (Team A) will be required to stay at the hospital until the severe weather event has subsided and the mandatory evacuation of the city has been lifted. Team B should be prepared to return to work as soon as 24 hours after landfall with more specific instructions upon notification by supervisor, the hospital website, Hurricane Pocket Guide or the Storm Hotline. Team C will be prepared to return to work in time to resume normal hospital operations. During a severe weather event, employees will record and be paid for actual time worked in accordance with regular hospital pay policies. The hospital will provide adequate accommodations, as needed, for employees when off duty.
As we strive to keep everyone updated on the responsibilities of our care-givers, it is important that all employees understand how to communicate during severe weather. Each communication tool listed below will be updated during the duration of evacuation or severe weather.
Employee Information via Website
Southeast Texas Storm Disaster Preparedness Employee Pocket Guide
The Pocket Guide contains important information about what to expect during a storm disaster.
Storm/Disaster Phone Hotline
Preparation is the key in securing the best possible care for our patients
and our families. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
your immediate supervisor.